
Here are some oppertunites to give back to the community:

The Hartford Project(THP)
是新英格兰青少年的城市事工沉浸式体验。 教会青年团体在暑假期间来到纽约康涅狄格州哈特福德居住五天,并在学年期间享受较短的周末体验。 在这些外展活动中,我们的青年团体为社区服务,了解贫穷,体验种族和解,并与更广泛的基督建立关系。

30-Hour Famine
是21个国家的世界展望活动。 它开始于1971年,当时17岁的露丝罗伯茨和14位朋友在阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里在教堂地下室举办了一场活动,看看在饥荒中饥饿和筹集资金以及对孩子的痛苦意识。募集的资金转到世界宣明会。


The Street Church
provides free food and clothing, as well as prayer and pastoral counseling, for community members in downtown Hartford on Saturdays from 11:30am-1:00pm in front of City Hall, the last Friday of each month from 6:15-7:15pm at Peter’s Retreat in Hartford and the last Sunday of the month from 11:00am-12:30pm at Manna’s Kitchen in Hartford. Church Army USA has also received training and supplies to offer a Beyond the Basics Community Resource Center through their The Street Church program. Community Resource Centers help programs connect people to local services and resources that match their specific needs.