
英语事工在Gene Sun牧师的带领下参加主日崇拜和周四晚上的祷告会, 还分以下团契在周五晚上查经和分享:

Various fellowships are also arranged to the needs of each age groups as follows:

Young Families (YF): Group meets monthly and each of the families takes a turn to coordinate and lead their meetings. This includes the teaching/discussion portion of each meeting. This approach presents a wide range of topics and perspectives, which makes the meetings wonderful to attend. With our new building I am hopeful that the frequency and intensity of their meetings will increase – as I have seen the depth of fellowship of this group increase over the past year!

Young Professionals (YP): Group continues to meet weekly to study the Bible and pray for one another. Having been together for over a decade, this group has studied every book of the Bible. Wow! This has led to spiritual growth in the best way – lesson by lesson, derived from God’s Word, and applied through relationships to daily life. Dan and Melody Lin, and before them Ray Chang and Erica Huang have led this group which is now waiting on the Lord for His direction for the future.

FISH: “FISH” comes from Matthew 4:19 “Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Following up on the Navigators 2:7 discipleship series, a group of our young adults wanted to form their own group to reach people for Christ. They began meeting weekly in individual’s homes to provide a welcome place for visitors. Using the inductive method of Bible study they wrestle with the biblical texts to derive the meaning – taking turns facilitating the study to develop leading skills, then they pray for one another. Eric Teng has been doing most of the coordination to ensure smooth operation and we are convinced the Lord will continue to build this group.

YOUTH Group (YG): The challenges, and the joys of The Hartford Project and a great NECCC led to some very positive signs in our Youth Group (YG). Seven of our young adults have committed to invest time and energy into our YG students. They have joined in taking a leading role in planning and teaching this group. We have been doing the inductive method of Bible study. It was exciting to see the students interacting with the biblical texts. We plan on moving forward with some topical studies in order to help facilitate spiritual growth and prepare our students for college.

Our Middle School students are still under the leadership of Uncle Jerry and Auntie Belle. Sarah Pan has also joined the team. We hope and pray for others to work with this wonderful group too, and in time the Lord will provide!

The Worship Teams are further evidence of God’s work among us. The EM has been investing large amounts of time and energy into our worship of the Lord. We have tried to honor the Lord with our faithful service. In our other place, part of our worship was to carry equipment, set up, rehearse, praise, tear down, carry and pack away almost every week for 15 years. But it was all worth it. The challenge for us in the future is to put in the time and effort to worship the Lord the best we can, for His glory. One last great sign of growth in our worship is the increasing intergenerational make up of our praise teams. We hope to see this trend permeate the entire EM!

Women's Ministry (the Saturday Sisters)
To encourage and equip women to mature in doctrine, character and ministry, and to become Titus 2 women. One of the questions we spent some time on from the previous study addressed the deceitful nature of our hearts. What does a deceitful heart look like? How do we know that we are being deceived? That led into the choice for our current study. Women spend more time encouraging one another and praying for and with one another. That’s a big sign of spiritual growth. I have also been blessed for the sisters who have taken the time to pray over me personally. Another blessing is to see women begin to memorize the truth of scripture to fight back the lies of Satan with the sword of the Spirit.

聚会(Meeting) 时间(Time) 地点
国、粤、和English联合崇拜 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM 大堂
主日学 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM 西交谊厅(West Fellowship)
祷告会 周四晚上7:30pm, 003
主日学 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM 018,019
查经班 周五 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 016, 西交谊厅(West Fellowship)